Shabbatonim & Chagim

Please click on the tabs to read about the various happenings that take place throughout the year at our Shabbatonim as well as on Chagim.


At Bnot Torah we have a Shabbaton about once a month. A Shabbaton is more than just a special opportunity to spend a relaxing Shabbat with your friends. Each one is a unique opportunity to enjoy a fascinating informal learning experience. Every Shabbaton carries its own unique theme such as Shabbat, Chessed or Kibbud Av Va’Aim. Using various techniques including skits, role playing, discussions and workshops, you are given the chance to discover and explore the meaning and significance of these Mitzvot. Each topic is developed so that you leave the Shabbaton with a new found appreciation, understanding and sensitivity for the Mitzvah.

Chanukah Chagigah

Chanukah is a time for celebrating the miracle that HaShem performed for our ancestors over 2,000 years ago. It is also a time for reflecting on the significance of these miracles to us today. We begin our celebrations with a Chanukah Chagigah that features Divrei Torah, dancing, skits, a Chanukah Seudah, a choir, and much more. Another side of our Chanukah celebrations are the Chanukah parties held in the homes of your teachers as well as your Rakezet. You will be treated to home-made delicacies including latkes and sufganiyot and learn to look at Chanukah from a new perspective. Other activities for the week include a tiyul and a ceramic workshop.

Purim Chagigah

Bnot Torah’s Purim starts off with an in-house minyan for Ma’ariv, which is followed by the reading of Megillat Esther. After a short break we regroup for our popular Purim Masquerade Ball. Bring your creative energy to the forefront in your own costume! Our Purim evening continues with our one-of-a-kind Purim Chagigah complete with a costume contest, performances, skits, and a lot of Purim spirit! We begin Purim day by hosting a morning Megillah reading for our students. Having spent the day delivering Mishloach Manot to faculty and friends, we top off the holiday with our famous Purim Seudah hosted by Rabbi Sharfman and his family.


We pride ourselves on being more than just a seminary and don’t see you as simply a student. As such, for those students who remain in Israel over Pesach, we have a faculty-led second Pesach Seder to allow you to feel at home and enjoy your time at the Seder without any unnecessary stress of trying to find a place to go for Seder Night.